Monday, June 15, 2009

From touch display to Web Convenience

It might be just about creativity, perhaps, a chance to make yourself to become celebrities. However, since mobile function not just as a communications tools, but also as a powerful, potable information-collecting device, it has changed the intention of people for holding mobile. Simultaneously, when the Internet has tied up with the PC, it could come up with every possibility that we ever meet.

Now broadband has become a must- have in online communities. The Internet has allowed the distribution of video, regularly uploading short videos --- "Vlog". According to Wikipedia, it is a blog where the major medium is video (Wikipedia, 2009). It is famous with the high way where people to find fame with a hit of video blog. There is accordingly one 24 years old basically discuss global affairs within 3 minutes in Rocketboom, besides suddenly becoming a celebrity, she has won 250,000 viewers tuning in daily (Times Online, 2006).

However, the marriage of mobile and the Internet has created the blurring line between professional and amateur. People are arguing the content and the quality of videos, which is unprofessionally and informally composed by the so-called "producer". As video-making on mobile or webcam become too easy, sometimes those "masterpieces" are reasonably funny and ridiculous. Most surprisingly, the more faking the video it is, the higher rates that the uploader gains. The ubiquity of Youtube has made "vlogging" even more easier than ever.

The picture is a print screen from the video of Lonely Girl in Youtube. The girl is fake in all the way she speak, showing that the decline of video-making nowadays.


Dead on film?

The digital reformation unfolding in the way viewing material is produced and shared. Most importantly is the content, are they impressive or just an empty shell? Now it links to the context of information value and ethical issue. According to Kress (2006), it is necessary to clearly inform the audience about the knowledge and the information that a document designer determines to tell. For me it is just about a business model online which having no value.

Regarding ethical issue, though for journalistic use, it is good to see people happen to shoot the real scene with their mobile such as 911 incident. Surprisingly, in political field, it is saddening to see the execution of Saddam Hussein lively. We can see this kind of transformation has been misused by online predators. It is also including a lot of many misusages such as pornography.

The video gave a big shock to people around the globe. Imaging that you can see people being lively executed!


Apparently, it emerges to serve people's emotional demands. However, an ideal document or video, must tie up to the audience's experiences, expectations, emotions and attitudes towards a topic (Putnis, 1996). Thinking of it, if people don't like it, will they watch it?


Wikipedia, 2009, 'Video blogging', viewed 13th June 2007,

Times Online, 2006, 'Rise of the web video star', 23th Apr, viewed 13th June 2007, <>

Kress, G. & van Leeuwen, T. 2006. Reading Images, Chapter 6: The meaning of Composition.

Putnis, P& Petelin, R. 1996. Professional Communication: Principles and Applications, Prentice Hall, Sydney.

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