Friday, June 12, 2009

Blog as Need

Blog as current phenomenon

Blog is an interactive website which is consistently updated by individuals to create their own space, share their perspectives and opinions (Technorati, 2008). The growth of blog gives rise to a new term-- blogger, people who are "blogging" in their own space, creating the new world.

The global phenomena can be founded in America, where the president—Barack Obama, create his own blog ( to spread his ideology, determining to reach people with his political impact. In Europe, the micro-blogging such as Twitter has become legitimate among stakeholders (Huntington, 2009). In Asia, blog is one of most looked-up dictionary and blogspheres are now driving news onto the pages of major newspapers (The Sunday Times, 2005).

Obama spread his political influences by create his own blog. It has effectively attracted most of his followers to visit and propagandize it.


Why Blog?

Blog becomes the major source for most of the librarians to professionally look up for information (Thelwall, 2007). By today, Thinktank is one of the largest information resources. In Malaysia, people use the widespread of blog to reach political influences, for instances, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak publishes his own site to guide people towards the idea of “1 Malaysia” ( For business use, people tend to search for advices to start up their own business or to make better decisions and eliminate waste and loss.For advertising industry, people post their own advertisement on blogspheres such as Nuffnang ( in Malaysia, to create larger work circles.

Characterism of Blog

Blog is defined by different categories based on the characteristic itself such as personal use, business purpose, type of device and media type (Wikipedia, 2009). Conventionally, with the variability of technological devices, blog is affiliated with video, sound, animation and online search engine.

With the implication of media, blog can be divided into various categories (Wikipedia, 2009):
  1. Artblog
  2. Photoblog
  3. Sketchblog
  4. Vlog
  5. MP3 blog
  6. Micro-blogging

However, with the similarity of blogs, it is sophisticed in classifying the feature of blog. Deciding by the topic or the content of blog, it can be divded into( Wikipedia, 200
  1. Fashion blogs
  2. Law blogs
  3. Political blogs
  4. History blogs
  5. Travel blogs
  6. Project blogs

Blogging Communities

With the potential of advanced-techonology, blogs have the targeted audiece from youth to old folks, from individuals to communities and from countries to the world. Segmented by the interests and contents, the topic can be discussed pervasively and world widely. Wordpress is one of the famous blogging communities that people are able to upload their picture, video and music. With the illustration of text, it is easy to share opinions (sarcasm, political view, commentary and etc), create work oppurtunity, advertise and even create your own autobiography. With the avalability of link, it helps gathering up communities by communicating and commenting each other based on their interests, intensively discuss the issues which they are passionate with .

The Newest Trend-- Online Printing

With the growth of technology and environmental change, by sticking in the most traditional way are not able to cater with the economic demands. Remarkably, Web 2.o has change the formation of printed media, by turning its way into electronic media. In comparison with the old media, the hyperlink device is able to users enter a site at any page.

The information highway helps users to specialize in a certain domain. Those who rely on networks sources select the medium to satisfy their needs as it will reduce their time and are not required to contribute in the sophisticated way to look up for the information
(Information Research, 2006).

The technology has performed some functions that the old media can not achieve. With the integration of videos, photos and sound effects, it has benefit electronic media by increasing the usefulness of documents
(Reep, 2006). By dividing into different segments, the format elements guide readers through the text for specific purpose.

When Everything Become Easy.....

As everything become interative, the naturality will go beyond our expect. By reviewing the case in Malaysia, a man uploaded a video regarding with the context of politics dilemma in the country.
It leads to the question of freedom. The space which people assume is limitless, in fact, is encompassed with restrictions.


Huntington, P. 2009, ‘Net Gain’, The Australian, 6th April, viewed 12th June, 2009, <>

Technorati, 2008, ‘ State of the Blogosphere’, Technorati, viewed 11th June, <>

The Sunday Times, 2005, ‘Prepare for the New Battle of the Sexes’, Times Online, 2nd January, viewed 12th June 2009, <>

Thelwall, M., Hasler, L. 2007, ‘Blog Search Engine’, Online Information Review, Vol.31, Issue 4, pg 467- 479, viewed 12th June 2009, <>

Wikipedia, 2009, 'Blog', Wikipedia, v
iewed 12th June 2009

The Knowledge of Tree, 2006, 'Blogs and Community -Launging a New Paradigm For Online Community?,
The Knowledge of Tree, viewed 12th June 2009

Information Research, 2006, 'The Complementary Relationship Between the Internet and Traditional Mass Media: The Case of Online News and information', Vol. 11. No.3, viewed 12th June 2009

Reep, Diana C.2006, Document Design, Technical Writing, Chp 6, pp 137-172, Pearson/Longman, New York.

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